AudioLibro Definitely Hispanic: Essays on Growing Up Latino and Celebrating What Unites Us – LeJuan James

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    AudioLibro Definitely Hispanic: Essays on Growing Up Latino and Celebrating What Unites Us – LeJuan James

    AudioLibro Definitely Hispanic: Essays on Growing Up Latino and Celebrating What Unites Us – LeJuan James

    Perfect for fans of Fresh Off the Boat’s situational humor and Jane the Virgin’s celebration of Latinidad, Definitely Hispanic is a collection of introspective memoiristic essays by social media influencer and viral phenomenon LeJuan James about growing up Hispanic in the US

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Perfect for fans of Fresh Off the Boat’s situational humor and Jane the Virgin’s celebration of Latinidad, Definitely Hispanic is a collection of introspective memoiristic essays by social media influencer and viral phenomenon LeJuan James about growing up Hispanic in the US.LeJuan James loves being Hispanic. But growing up in the US to immigrant parents, he quickly noticed their house rules and traditions didn’t always match up with his friends’. The result was a lifetime of laugh-out-loud relatable content for his videos. After half a decade of reenacting his experiences online, LeJuan is taking a closer look at everything he loves about his family’s culture.Definitely Hispanic is a collection of heartfelt memoiristic essays that explores the themes LeJuan touches upon in his videos and celebrates the values and traditions being kept alive by Hispanic parents raising US-born children. He shares anecdotes about discovering the differences between his and his friends’ households, demystifies “La Pela” (the Spanking), explains the vital role women play in Hispanic families, and pays reverence to universal cultural truths like food is love and music is in Hispanics’ DNA.From «#Home», where he talks about how his family moved back and forth between the US and Puerto Rico until settling in Orlando, FL, to «#TheHouse», when he was finally able to buy his parents the home they deserve thanks to his online success; this wide-ranging collection of essays will resonate with fans of all ages who feel like they straddle the line between two (or more) cultures, languages, and/or identities.-Duracion: 3 hrs y 45 mins

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AudioLibro Definitely Hispanic: Essays on Growing Up Latino and Celebrating What Unites Us – LeJuan James

AudioLibro Definitely Hispanic: Essays on Growing Up Latino and Celebrating What Unites Us – LeJuan James

Perfect for fans of Fresh Off the Boat’s situational humor and Jane the Virgin’s celebration of Latinidad, Definitely Hispanic is a collection of introspective memoiristic essays by social media influencer and viral phenomenon LeJuan James about growing up Hispanic in the US