AudioLibro Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Dramatized) – George Lucas

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    AudioLibro Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Dramatized) – George Lucas

    AudioLibro Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Dramatized) – George Lucas

    "Fifteen years after National Public Radio’s wildly successful adaptation of Star Wars, and trece years after The Empire Strikes Back, the trilogy hurtled to its long-awaited thrilling conclusion with Return of the Jedi

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"Fifteen years after National Public Radio’s wildly successful adaptation of Star Wars, and trece years after The Empire Strikes Back, the trilogy hurtled to its long-awaited thrilling conclusion with Return of the Jedi.Like its predecessors, this electrifying drama boasts a splendid cast (including Anthony Daniels as See-Threepio and Ed Asner as Jabba the Hutt), a greatly expanded script, with many scenes and characters not found in the movie, and audio engineering of unparalleled excellence.-Duracion: tres hrs y once mins"

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AudioLibro Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Dramatized) – George Lucas

AudioLibro Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Dramatized) – George Lucas

"Fifteen years after National Public Radio’s wildly successful adaptation of Star Wars, and trece years after The Empire Strikes Back, the trilogy hurtled to its long-awaited thrilling conclusion with Return of the Jedi