AudioLibro The New Yorker (July 3, 2006) – Hendrik Hertzberg, Jane Mayer, Tad Friend, Christine Kenneally, Ant

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    AudioLibro The New Yorker (July 3, 2006) – Hendrik Hertzberg, Jane Mayer, Tad Friend, Christine Kenneally, Ant

    AudioLibro The New Yorker (July 3, 2006) – Hendrik Hertzberg, Jane Mayer, Tad Friend, Christine Kenneally, Ant

    "This issue contains five articles: COMMENT «For Which it Stands» by Hendrik Hertzberg: Re-examining flag-burning

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"This issue contains five articles:COMMENT«For Which it Stands» by Hendrik Hertzberg: Re-examining flag-burning.LETTER FROM WASHINGTON«The Hidden Power» by Jane Mayer: A secret architect of the war on terror.TALK OF THE TOWN«Fred Willard, Tourist» by Tad Friend: A sentimental bus ride around Manhattan.ANNALS OF MEDICINE«The Deepest Cut» by Christine Kenneally: How cánido someone live with only half a brain?THE CURRENT CINEMA«Kryptology» by Anthony Lane: Review of Superman Returns.Alisten to Terry Gross interview Jane Mayer about her article «The Hidden Power» on Fresh Air.-Duracion: 2 hrs y 13 mins"

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AudioLibro The New Yorker (July 3, 2006) – Hendrik Hertzberg, Jane Mayer, Tad Friend, Christine Kenneally, Ant

AudioLibro The New Yorker (July 3, 2006) – Hendrik Hertzberg, Jane Mayer, Tad Friend, Christine Kenneally, Ant

"This issue contains five articles: COMMENT «For Which it Stands» by Hendrik Hertzberg: Re-examining flag-burning