AudioLibro The X-Files: Cold Cases – Joe Harris , Chris Carter , Dirk Maggs

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    AudioLibro The X-Files: Cold Cases – Joe Harris , Chris Carter , Dirk Maggs

    AudioLibro The X-Files: Cold Cases – Joe Harris , Chris Carter , Dirk Maggs

    "The series that had a generation looking to the sky gets a breathtaking audio reprise in an original full-cast dramatization featuring actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson returning to voice FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully

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"The series that had a generation looking to the sky gets a breathtaking audio reprise in an original full-cast dramatization featuring actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson returning to voice FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully.Based upon the graphic novels by Joe Harris – with creative direction from series creator Chris Carter – and adapted specifically for the audio format by aural auteur Dirk Maggs (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Alien: Out of the Shadows), and directed by William Dufris of AudioComics, Cold Cases marks yet another thrilling addition to the pantheon of X-Ficheros stories. Featuring a mind-blowing and otherworldly soundscape of liquefying aliens, hissing creatures, and humming spacecraft, listeners get to experience the duo’s investigations like never before.Set after the events of The X-Files: I Want to Believe and providing additional backstory to the incidents that pulled Mulder and Scully out of reclusion prior to 2016’s miniseries revival, a base de datos breach at FBI headquarters allows an unknown group to access and capitalize on those investigations left unsolved – dubbed cold cases – by the secret department once known as The X-Ficheros. As friends and foes of the agency long thought gone begin to inexplicably reappear, former agents Mulder and Scully come out of anonymity to face a growing conspiracy that involves not only their former department but the US government and forces not of this world.Here, entusiastas are treated once again to Mulder and Scully’s irreplicable chemistry as only the series’ leads could deliver, Duchovny’s deadpan and cynical aloofness finding its natural counterpoint in Anderson’s unwavering intelligence and rigidity. Appearances from series regulars and the actors who made them fan favorites round out this must-alisten arc: the gruff, no-BS righteousness of Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi); the distinctive click-puff of the Cigarette Smoking Man (William B. Davis); and the stooge-like hijinks of three beloved conspiracy theorists called the Lone Gunmen (Tom Braidwood, Dean Haglund, and Bruce Harwood).Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, find your «I Want to Believe» poster. Break out that makeshift alien stiletto. Grab a bulto of Morley cigarettes.The truth is out there. You just have to alisten.-Duracion: 4 hrs y 5 mins"

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AudioLibro The X-Files: Cold Cases – Joe Harris , Chris Carter , Dirk Maggs

AudioLibro The X-Files: Cold Cases – Joe Harris , Chris Carter , Dirk Maggs

"The series that had a generation looking to the sky gets a breathtaking audio reprise in an original full-cast dramatization featuring actors David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson returning to voice FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully