AudioLibro Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones – Valerie Estelle Frankel

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    AudioLibro Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones – Valerie Estelle Frankel

    AudioLibro Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones – Valerie Estelle Frankel

    "Game of Thrones entusiastas watch in delight as the epic battle of Lannister and Stark entangles the Seven Kingdoms

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"Game of Thrones entusiastas watch in delight as the epic battle of Lannister and Stark entangles the Seven Kingdoms. But only the sharpest notice how these houses echo Lancaster and York in the War of the Roses. Druids, Catholics, and even Zoroastrians wander through Westeros, reframing their religions for a new world of fantasy. But how medieval is Westeros? Did lady knights and pirates really battle across Europe? The audiobook Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones explores all this and more, from the echoes of history to the symbols and omens our beloved characters.Who is Jon Snow’s mother and why is she a secret? What is Daenerys’s real power, unknown even to her? Will these two characters share a destiny? Where is the red priestess’s real Light bringer and when will it arrive? Through dreams and prophecies, imagery and allegory, the deepest secrets of the series unfold, in an exploration friendly to watchers and listeners alike.-Duracion: tres hrs y veintisiete mins"

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AudioLibro Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones – Valerie Estelle Frankel

AudioLibro Winter is Coming: Symbols and Hidden Meanings in A Game of Thrones – Valerie Estelle Frankel

"Game of Thrones entusiastas watch in delight as the epic battle of Lannister and Stark entangles the Seven Kingdoms