AudioLibro Yes Please – Amy Poehler

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    AudioLibro Yes Please – Amy Poehler

    AudioLibro Yes Please – Amy Poehler

    "Amy Poehler is alojamiento a dinner party and you’re invited! Welcome to the audiobook edition of Amy Poehler’s Yes Please

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"Amy Poehler is alojamiento a dinner party and you’re invited! Welcome to the audiobook edition of Amy Poehler’s Yes Please. The guest list is star-studded with vocal appearances from Carol Burnett, Seth Meyers, Michael Schur, Patrick Stewart, Kathleen Turner, and even Amy’s parents – Yes Please is the ultimate audiobook extravaganza.Also included? A one-night-only live performance at Poehler’s Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Hear Amy read a chapter live in front of a young and attractive Los Angeles audience.While listening to Yes Please, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll become convinced that your phone is trying to kill you. Don’t miss this collection of stories, thoughts, ideas, lists, and haikus from the mind of one of our most beloved entertainers. Offering Amy’s thoughts on everything from her «too safe» childhood outside of Boston to her early days in New York City, her ideas about Hollywood and «the biz», the demon that looks back at all of us in the mirror, and her joy at being told she has a «face for wigs» – Yes Please is chock-full of words, and wisdom, to live by.-Duracion: 7 hrs y 31 mins"

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AudioLibro Yes Please – Amy Poehler

AudioLibro Yes Please – Amy Poehler

"Amy Poehler is alojamiento a dinner party and you’re invited! Welcome to the audiobook edition of Amy Poehler’s Yes Please