Backyard Pharmacy: Growing Medicinal Plants in Your Own Yard Elizabeth Millard

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    Backyard Pharmacy: Growing Medicinal Plants in Your Own Yard Elizabeth Millard

    Backyard Pharmacy: Growing Medicinal Plants in Your Own Yard Elizabeth Millard

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A healthier life is right at your fingertips - or at least only a few steps from your door!

Backyard Pharmacy helps you choose the best "backyard" medicinal plants. All the plants can easily be grown throughout North America by any home gardener, and used for their healing and natural-remedy properties! Author Elizabeth Millard shares her deep knowledge of what to add to your garden to grow your own medicine cabinet to enhance your health.

Each featured plant profile includes:

- A detailed full-color photograph of the plant and key preparation steps.

​- Brief histories and descriptions the plants (including recommended varieties).

- The most efficient way to cultivate, care for, and harvest your plant.

- Which parts are the most medicinal.

- A profile of your plant’s health and nutritional properties.

- The current state of scientific research on the plant.

- The best practices for any plants requiring special harvesting, storing, or preparation.

- The most effective use of the plant as a remedy, and any precautions you should take.

Richly illustrated with 200 photographs, Backyard Pharmacy not only includes photography of the plants, but also images demonstrating step-by-step preparation, harvest, and storage methods to get the best results from your gardening efforts.

Take control of your health. Learn about the benefits of herbs and "backyard friends" and natural health remedies for yourself and your family, and even grow them right in your own backyard.

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Backyard Pharmacy: Growing Medicinal Plants in Your Own Yard Elizabeth Millard

Backyard Pharmacy: Growing Medicinal Plants in Your Own Yard Elizabeth Millard