Devil Bones Kathy Reichs

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Following her most successful book to date, Kathy Reichs international number one bestselling author, forensic anthropologist, and producer of the Fox television hit Bones returns to Charlotte, North Carolina, where Temperance Brennan encounters a deadly mix of voodoo, Santería, and devil worship in her quest to identify two young victims
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Following her most successful book to date, Kathy Reichs international number one bestselling author, forensic anthropologist, and producer of the Fox television hit Bones returns to Charlotte, North Carolina, where Temperance Brennan encounters a deadly mix of voodoo, Santería, and devil worship in her quest to identify two young victims. In a house under renovation, a plumber uncovers a cellar no one knew about, and makes a rather grisly discovery a decapitated chicken, animal bones, and cauldrons containing beads, feathers, and other relics of religious ceremonies. In the center of the shrine, there is the skull of a teenage girl. Meanwhile, on a nearby lakeshore, the headless body of a teenage boy is found by a man walking his dog. Nothing is clear neither when the deaths occurred, nor where. Was the skull brought to the cellar or was the girl murdered there? Why is the boy"s body remarkably well preserved? Led by a preacher turned politician, citizen vigilantes blame devil worshippers and Wiccans. They begin a witch hunt, intent on seeking revenge. Forensic anthropologist Temperance Brennan "fivefive, feisty, and fortyplus" is called in to investigate, and a complex and gripping tale unfolds in this, Kathy Reichs"s eleventh taut, always surprising, scientifically fascinating mystery. With a popular series on Fox now in its third season and in full syndication Kathy Reichs has established herself as the dominant talent in forensic mystery writing. Devil Bones features Reichs"s signature blend of forensic descriptions that "chill to the bone" (Entertainment Weekly) and the surprising plot twists that have made her books phenomenal bestsellers in the United States and around the world
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