Abba The Complete Recording SessionsIn mil novecientos sesenta y seis two young men from Sweden wrote and recorded a sone called "Isn"t It Easy To Say," which marked the beginning of a songwriting and record producing partnership that has continued to this day. As the mil novecientos sesenta"s drifted into the mil novecientos setenta"s, they started making recordings with two girl singers (who later became their wives), a working relationship that would continue until August mil novecientos ochenta y dos. During that period the foursome recorded a collection of songs which heralded one of the most successful recording careers the world has ever known and claimed a unique place in the history of popular music. That quartet was of course Agnetha Faltskog, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson and AnniFrid Lyngstad, better known as ABBA, and this book is the story of those people and their recordings. Based on extensive research and countless hours of original interviews with all four members of ABBA, their engineer Michael B. Tretow and many of their musicians that played with the band, ABBA The Complete Recording Sessions recounts their story in a way that has never been told before. Beginning with that very first mid60"s recording session and tracing the formation of the group through their first tentative collaborations, Carl Magnus Palm takes us on a fascinating journey through ABBA"s sensational career. He recounts the full story behind such hits as "SOS", "Dancing Queen," and "The Name of the Game." He reveals the facts behind ABBA"s final years and such classics as "The Winner Takes It All." and the "The Day Before You Came," as well as many lesser known tracks
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