Adams And Victors Principles Of Neurology

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Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition The definitive guide to the full spectrum of neurology "This is one of the best neurology textbooks available, providing the distilled insights and knowledge of some of today"s truly outstanding neurologic clinicians
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Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology, Ninth Edition The definitive guide to the full spectrum of neurology "This is one of the best neurology textbooks available, providing the distilled insights and knowledge of some of today"s truly outstanding neurologic clinicians....Like its predecessors, the current edition features writing that is clear and concise, yet conversational—it almost feels as if the reader is on rounds hearing the insights of a truly superb clinician....offers a great deal to the serious student of neurology and is well worth the investment. This outstanding text will continue to be a key resource for neurologists and neurosurgeons, as well as resident trainees in those disciplines. Many practicing internists, emergency physicians, and pediatricians will also find it to be an excellent resource."JAMA A Doody"s Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for dos mil once! cuatro STAR DOODY"S REVIEW!"This book should be an essential element in the library of both young and seasoned clinicians....This has always been a successfully balanced textbook, combining a personal approach to the study of neurology and neurologic diseases. This edition, now mil quinientos setenta y dos pages, expands on the prior editions admirably. It achieves the difficult task of refreshing and updating a classic."Doody"s Review Service "one of the iconic texts in clinical medicine. The fact that it is now in its ninth edition attests to its durability and credibility as a comprehensive source for the pathophysiology, evaluation, and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. First published in mil novecientos setenta y cinco, it has withstood the enormous changes in neurological sciences during the subsequent decades and has remained a staple on the reference shelves of practitioners from a variety of backgrounds and training levels....A unique attribute for a volume of this size is that each chapter is written by the same authors, thus achieving a uniformity of voice....As a gold estándar text, the ninth edition of Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology would serve as valuable complement to any medical library."World Neurosurgery Journal Adams and Victor"s Principles of Neurology provides all the information you will need to confidently handle any neurologic problem, from disorders of motility, and derangements of intellect, behavior, and language, to the degenerative and neuromuscular diseases. Having this gold estándar text on your reference shelf is like being able to consult with skilled clinicians on a daily basis. More than a compilation of facts, Adams and Victor"s delivers expert insights not found in any other resource that help you understand every aspect of neurological disease. Written in a conversational style, the text offers practical, yet indepth, coverage of both common and rare illnesses. Adams and Victor"s Principles of Neurology also includes timely, complete, and accessible treatment and clinical management strategies. Part 1. The Clinical Method of Neurology Chapter 1. Approach to the Patient with Neurologic DiseaseChapter dos. Special Techniques for Neurologic Diagnosis Part dos. Cardinal Manifestations of Neurologic Disease Section 1. Disorders of Motility Overview Disorders of MotilityChapter tres. Motor ParalysisChapter cuatro. Abnormalities of Movement and Posture Caused by Disease of the Basal GangliaChapter cinco. Incoordination and Other Disorders of Cerebellar FunctionChapter seis. Tremor, Myoclonus, Focal Dystonias, and TicsChapter siete. Disorders of Stance and Gait Section dos. Pain and Other Disorders of Somatic Sensation, Headache, and Backache Chapter ocho. PainChapter nueve. Other Somatic SensationChapter diez. Headache and Other Craniofacial PainsChapter once. Pain in the Back, Neck, and Extremities Section tres. Disorders of the Special Senses Overview Disorders of the Special SensesChapter doce. Disorders of Smell and TasteChapter trece. Disturbances of VisionChapter catorce. Disorders of Ocular Movement and Pupillary FunctionChapter quince. Deafness, Dizziness, and Disorders of Equilibrium Section cuatro. Epilepsy and Disorders of Consciousness Chapter dieciseis. Epilepsy and Other Seizure DisordersChapter diecisiete. Coma and Related Disorders of ConsciousnessChapter dieciocho. Faintness and SyncopeChapter diecinueve. Sleep and Its Abnormalities Section cinco. Derangements of Intellect, Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuse and Focal Cerebral Disease Overview Derangements of Intellect, Behavior, and Language Caused by Diffuse and Focal Cerebral DiseaseChapter veinte. Delirium and Other Acute Confusional StatesChapter veintiuno. Dementia and the Amnesic (Korsakoff) Syndrome with Comments on the Neurology of Intelligence and MemoryChapter veintidos. Neurologic Disorders Caused by Lesions in Specific Parts of the CerebrumChapter veintitres. Disorders of Speech and Language Section seis. Disorders of Energy, Mood, and Autonomic and Endocrine Functions Chapter veinticuatro. Fatigue, Asthenia, Anxiety, and Depressive ReactionsChapter veinticinco. The Limbic Lobes and the Neurology of EmotionChapter veintiseis. Disorders of the Autonomic Nervous System, Respiration, and SwallowingChapter veintisiete. The Hypothalamus and Neuroendocrine Disorders Part tres. Growth and Development of the Nervous System and the Neurology of Aging Chapter veintiocho. Normal Development and Deviations in Development of the Nervous SystemChapter veintinueve. The Neurology of Aging Part cuatro. Major Categories of Neurologic Disease Chapter treinta. Disturbances of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Its Circulation, Including Hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebri, and LowPressure SyndromesChapter treinta y uno. Intracranial Neoplasms and Paraneoplastic DisordersChapter treinta y dos. Infections of the Nervous System (Bacterial, Fungal, Spirochetal, Parasitic) and SarcoidosisChapter treinta y tres. Viral Infections of the Nervous System, Chronic Meningitis, and Prion DiseasesChapter treinta y cuatro. Cerebrovascular DiseasesChapter treinta y cinco. Craniocerebral TraumaChapter treinta y seis. Multiple Sclerosis and Allied Demyelinating DiseasesChapter treinta y siete. Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the Nervous SystemChapter treinta y ocho. Developmental Diseases of the Nervous SystemChapter treinta y nueve. Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous SystemChapter cuarenta. The Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Nervous SystemChapter cuarenta y uno. Diseases of the Nervous System Caused by Nutritional DeficiencyChapter cuarenta y dos. Alcohol and AlcoholismChapter cuarenta y tres. Disorders of the Nervous System Caused by Drugs, Toxins, and Other Chemical Agents Part cinco. Diseases of Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerve, and Muscle Chapter cuarenta y cuatro. Diseases of the Spinal CordChapter cuarenta y cinco. Electrophysiologic and Laboratory Aids in the Diagnosis of Neuromuscular DiseaseChapter cuarenta y seis. Diseases of the Peripheral NervesChapter cuarenta y siete. Diseases of the Cranial NervesChapter cuarenta y ocho. Principles of Clinical Myology: Diagnosis and Classification of Diseases of Muscle and Neuromuscular JunctionChapter cuarenta y nueve. The Infectious and Inflammatory MyopathiesChapter cincuenta. The Muscular DystrophiesChapter cincuenta y uno. The Metabolic and Toxic MyopathiesChapter cincuenta y dos. The Congenital Neuromuscular DisordersChapter cincuenta y tres. Myasthenia Gravis and Related Disorders of the Neuromuscular JunctionChapter cincuenta y cuatro. Ion Channel Disorders: The Periodic Paralyses and Hereditary Nondystrophic Myotonias (Channelopathies)Chapter cincuenta y cinco. Disorders of Muscle Characterized by Cramp, Spasm, Pain, and Localized Masses Part seis. Psychiatric Disorders Chapter cincuenta y seis. The Anxiety Neuroses, Hysteria, and Personality DisordersChapter cincuenta y siete. Depression and Bipolar DiseaseChapter cincuenta y ocho. The Schizophrenias and Paranoid States Idioma: Ingles
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