Analytical Chemistry – Ira S. KrullThe book, Analytical Chemistry, deals with some of the more important areas of the title’s subject matter, which we hope will enable our readers to better appreciate just some of the numerous topics of importance in Analytical Chemistry today. The topics being covered herein deal with the following topics:1) Primordial Component Analysis: The Basic Building Block of Chemometrics;2) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Subbituminous Coal;3) Kinetic Methods of Analysis with Potentiometric and Spectrophotometric Detectors;4) Analytical Chemistry – Today and Tomorrow, Biochemical and Chemical Information, Basic Estándares, Analytical Properties and Challenges;5) Analytical Method Validation in Biotechnology Today, Method Validation, ICH/FDA Requirements, and Related Topics; and6) Peptide and Amino Acid Separations and Identification – Chromatography, Spectrometry and Other Detection Methods. These topics are uptodate, thoroughly referenced and literature cited to the present time, and truly review the major and most important topics and areas in each of these subjects.They should find widespread acceptance and studious involvement on the part of many readers interested in such generally important areas of Analytical Chemistry today. Analytical Chemistry has come to assume a tremendously important part of many, if not most, research areas in chemistry, biochemistry, biomedicine, medical science, proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, protein/peptide analysis, forensic science, and incontable other areas of current, scientific research and development in modern times. As such, it behooves all those involved in these and other research and development areas to keep themselves uptodate and current in the very latest developments in these and other areas of Analytical Chemistry.Contents:Preface VIIChapter 1 PCA: The Basic Building Block of Chemometrics 1Christophe B.Y. CordellaChapter dos Mineralogy and Geochemistry of SubBituminous Coal and Its Combustion Products from Mpumalanga Province, South Africa 47S. A. Akinyemi, W. M. Gitari, A. Akinlua and L. F. PetrikChapter tres Kinetic Methods of Analysis with Potentiometric and Spectrophotometric Detectors – Our Laboratory Experiences 71Njegomir Radic and Lea KukocModunChapter cuatro Analytical Chemistry Today and Tomorrow 93Miguel ValcárcelChapter cinco Analytical Method Validation for Biopharmaceuticals 115Izydor Apostol, Ira Krull and Drew KelnerChapter seis Peptide and Amino Acids Separation and Identification from Natural Products 135Ion Neda, Paulina Vlazan, Raluca Oana Pop,Paula Sfarloaga, Ioan Grozescu and AdinaElena SegneanuLenguaje: Inglés
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