AudioLibro Blood of Dragons: The Legacy of Dragons, Book 2 – Jack Campbell

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"Twenty years after the war that overthrew the Great Guilds, the Empire is vowing to avenge the massive defeat of the Imperial legions at Dorcastle
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"Twenty years after the war that overthrew the Great Guilds, the Empire is vowing to avenge the massive defeat of the Imperial legions at Dorcastle. Aiding the Imperials are renegade Mechanics and Mages still loyal to the old Guilds or employed by the Empire.But before they cánido launch an all-out war, the Imperials must eliminate a major threat: Kira, daughter of Master Mechanic Mari and Master of Mages Alain. Kidnapped and imprisoned, Kira has to escape and avoid recapture as the full might of the Empire is aimed at her. Her only hope lies in the skills she has mastered; her indomitable spirit; and the unfailing aid of Jason, her boyfriend from the distant world of Urth.With the Imperial legions closing in and thousands of lives riding on her efforts, Kira has to use every weapon available to her, including special abilities she has kept secret until now – abilities that may prove to be as dangerous as the enemy forces. Mari and Alain must come to Kira’s aid and work to create an alliance against the Empire.If they fail, a deadlier new war will erupt, with every soldier carrying a rifle instead of a sword or crossbow – and the Peace of the Daughter will end in a bloodbath.-Duracion: doce hrs y treinta y nueve mins"
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