AudioLibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish – Claudia

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    AudioLibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish – Claudia

    AudioLibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish – Claudia

    "Learn Spanish and improve your Spanish listening skills with these short stories

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"Learn Spanish and improve your Spanish listening skills with these short stories.Gain a greater vocabulary that you can use immediately, every day. You will add 1500+ Spanish words and expressions to your repertoire through the encounter of descriptive sentences and casual conversations woven throughout the stories.Sharpen your comprehension of the spoken word by listening to the audio vía two native Spanish speakers (male and female voice).Learn how to pronounce Spanish words properly.You receive audio in three formats:* Slow version of the stories in a male voice which helps beginners improve their pronunciation.* Normal speed of those stories in a female voice for intermediate and advanced learners. Train your ears to understand what is being said.* Only the vocabulary with enough time to repeat the words with their English translation: audio flash cards!These stories are perfect for beginners as well as for those who want to brush up on their Spanish language skills.-Duracion: 6 hrs y 58 mins"

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AudioLibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish – Claudia

AudioLibro Spanish Short Stories for Beginners: Improve Your Reading and Listening Skills in Spanish – Claudia

"Learn Spanish and improve your Spanish listening skills with these short stories