AudioLibro Star Wars (Dramatized) – George Lucas, Brian Daley

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    AudioLibro Star Wars (Dramatized) – George Lucas, Brian Daley

    AudioLibro Star Wars (Dramatized) – George Lucas, Brian Daley

    "When this series was first broadcast on National Public Radio in mil novecientos ochenta y uno, it generated the largest response in the network’s history: cincuenta con cero letters and phone calls in a single week, an audience of setecientos cincuenta con cero per episode, and a subsequent cuarenta-percent jump in NPR listenership

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"When this series was first broadcast on National Public Radio in mil novecientos ochenta y uno, it generated the largest response in the network’s history: cincuenta con cero letters and phone calls in a single week, an audience of setecientos cincuenta con cero per episode, and a subsequent cuarenta-percent jump in NPR listenership.This landmark production, perhaps the most ambitious radio project ever attempted, began when Star Wars creator George Lucas donated the story rights to an NPR affiliate. Writer Brian Daley adapted the film’s highly visual script to the special demands and unique possibilities of radio, creating a more richly textured tale with greater emphasis on character development. Directivo John Madden guided a splendid cast, including Mark Hamill and Anthony Daniels, reprising their largometraje papeles as Luke Skywalker and the persnickety robot See Threepio, through an intense diez-day dialogue recording session. Then came months of painstaking work for virtuoso sound engineer Tom Voegeli, whose brilliant blending of the actors’ voices, the music, and hundreds of sound effects takes this intergalactic adventure into a realm of imagination that is beyond the reach of cinema.-Duracion: cinco hrs y cincuenta y seis mins"

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AudioLibro Star Wars (Dramatized) – George Lucas, Brian Daley

AudioLibro Star Wars (Dramatized) – George Lucas, Brian Daley

"When this series was first broadcast on National Public Radio in mil novecientos ochenta y uno, it generated the largest response in the network’s history: cincuenta con cero letters and phone calls in a single week, an audience of setecientos cincuenta con cero per episode, and a subsequent cuarenta-percent jump in NPR listenership