"Learn how to drastically change your serve through 6 exercises that will increase your racquet speed and acceleration in a very significant way. This book includes: The 6 Superman Tennis Serve exercises – The 3 charts that will teach you how to do them in an organized manner. – Detailed explanation on each phase of the charts. – 6 Serving consejos – 12 tennis competition consejos to improve your overall game.This is your chance to have the best serve ever with this training that will change the way you approach your serve. Using a scientifically procede method to increase your racquet head speed and acceleration through 6 exercises. Do you want to start winning more matches thanks to your serve? Want to make a big difference in the results you have in your matches and tournaments?Well, in tennis, YOU SPEND AT LEAST 46 por ciento OF THE TIME SERVING! Which means that the better you serve, the better your chance is of controlling that 46 por ciento of your match. The remainder of the match you spend on returning serve and hitting ground strokes and volleys during the point. This basically means that working on your forehand, backhand, over head, slice, topspin, return of serve, and other specific shots will account require a lot more time and effort to master the remaining 54 por ciento of your match.-Duracion: 1 hr"
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