AudioLibro The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition – Margaret Atwood

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    AudioLibro The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition – Margaret Atwood

    AudioLibro The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition – Margaret Atwood

    "«Are there any questions?» The final line in Margaret Atwood’s modern classic, The Handmaid’s Tale, has teased and perplexed fanes since the book’s original release more than treinta years ago

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"«Are there any questions?» The final line in Margaret Atwood’s modern classic, The Handmaid’s Tale, has teased and perplexed fanes since the book’s original release more than treinta years ago. Now, in this Observable Original production, listeners get some of the answers they’ve waited so long to hear.Featuring an all-new interview with Professor Piexoto, written by Atwood and performed by a full cast, The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition is a must-alisten for both fanes and newcomers alike. Emmy Award winner Claire Danes (Homeland, Temple Grandin) gives a stirring performance of this classic in speculative fiction, where the message (and the warning) is now more timely than ever. In addition to rich sound design that honors the audio origins of Atwood’s classic, the special edition also includes a brand-new afterword from the author and an essay written by author Valerie Martin (Mary Reilly, Property).After a violent coup in the United States overthrows the Constitution and ushers in a new government regime, the Rlic of Gilead imposes subservient papeles on all women. Offred, now a Handmaid tasked with the singular role of procreation in the childless household of the enigmatic Commander and his bitter wife, can remember a time when she lived with her husband and daughter and had a job, before she lost everything, even her own name. Despite the danger, Offred learns to navigate the intimate secrets of those who control her every move, risking her life for mere glimpses of her former freedom, and records her story for future listeners.Whether you’re a fan of the original novel or someone who has recently discovered it, The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition will shock, impress, and satisfy all those who alisten.The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition features performances by Claire Danes, Margaret Atwood, Emily Bauer, Allyson Johnson, Gabra Zackman, Suzanne Toren, Tim Gerard Reynolds, Jennifer Van Dyck, Ray Porter, Emily Cox, Lauren Fortgang, Dan Reiss, Prentice Onayemi, Therese Plummer, and Mark Boyett.-Duracion: 12 hrs y 12 mins"

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AudioLibro The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition – Margaret Atwood

AudioLibro The Handmaid’s Tale: Special Edition – Margaret Atwood

"«Are there any questions?» The final line in Margaret Atwood’s modern classic, The Handmaid’s Tale, has teased and perplexed fanes since the book’s original release more than treinta years ago