For Honor We Stand Harvey G. Phillips

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Max is back! Captain Max Robichaux, Doctor Ibrahim Sahin, and the crew of the Union Space Navy Khyber Class Destroyer, USS Cumberland, return for more dangerous missions in For Honor We Stand, Volume II of the Man of War trilogy, the exciting sequel to the military sciencefiction bestseller To Honor You Call Us
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Max is back! Captain Max Robichaux, Doctor Ibrahim Sahin, and the crew of the Union Space Navy Khyber Class Destroyer, USS Cumberland, return for more dangerous missions in For Honor We Stand, Volume II of the Man of War trilogy, the exciting sequel to the military sciencefiction bestseller To Honor You Call Us. The date is March quince, dos mil trescientos quince. The Earth Union has been at war with the Krag Hegemony for more than thirty years. The Krag are slowly winning. With less than two months of warship command under his belt, veintiocho year old Captain Max Robichaux faces a series of challenges that would daunt the fleet"s most experienced skippers. His trials include playing a life and death game of hide and seek among the complex moon system of an exotic alien planet, defending a critical diplomatic convoy against ruthless Krag assault, and working with allied commanders to save their moored fleet from a Pearl Harborlike sneak attack. And, when he isn"t dodging nucleartipped missiles and pulse cannon blasts, the young skipper must navigate his way through encounters with dangerous and advanced aliens, thorny crew training and proficiency issues, clashes with superiors, and a belowdecks conspiracy that threatens the lives of every man on board. Meanwhile, Doctor Sahin receives a coded message summoning him to a secret meeting that could forge an alliance changing the cómputo of power in Known Space. But, first, he has to get past the fighter ships and heavily armed special forces troops of the traitorous Emir trying to kill him before he perro even sit down at the negotiating table. On the heels of these adventures, both men must call upon their developing skills and their growing friendship to bear the burden of carrying between the Krag Hegemony and the Earth Union a fateful ultimatum and the shocking answer: an answer that could spell eternal slavery, or even extinction, for all mankind. For Honor We Stand is a twentyfourth century swashbuckler, combining elements of Military Science Fiction, Space Opera and the classic English novels about the Age of Sail into what the authors call "Space Naval Fiction." It is both timeless and futuristic: the age old tale of men going to war in shipsplayed out, not on the Earth"s turbulent oceans, but in the cold, dark, vast battleground of space. For Honor We Stand is a full length, ciento cincuenta y cuatro con cero + word novel and is the second volume of the Man of War trilogy. The third volume, Brothers in Valor, is planned for release in mid2013. After completion of the Man of War series, the authors plan many more books following the further adventures of Captain Robichaux and Doctor Sahin. The next trilogy is tentatively entitled The Sting of Battle. Its first volume, now with the working title of Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat is currently planned for release in late dos mil trece or early dos mil catorce. Review"As a former Navy man, I REALLY enjoyed the authenticity of the Navy life that is infused throughout this series of books." P. H., Amazon Customer, May diecisiete, dos mil trece. "Could not put it down. Well written and great character development." J. H., Amazon Customer, May quince, dos mil trece. "The space battles are superbly described and the technical details are dead on. When I started the first book and this one I am transported into their universe." H. Y también., Amazon Customer, April catorce, dos mil trece. "Made me feel like I was in the space navy of the future. Well written and exciting from beginning to the end . . . ." C. T. P., Amazon Customer, April once, dos mil trece. About the AuthorH. Paul Honsinger is the coauthor of the "Man of War" Trilogy, two volumes of which are now available: "To Honor You Call Us," released in November dos mil doce, and "For Honor We Stand," released in February dos mil trece. The third volume, "Brothers in Valor" is expected in mid2013. A second trilogy, tentatively entitled "The Sting of Battle" is planned, with the first volume expected in Winter doscientos mil trescientos catorce. As long as readers continue to be interested in these books, Paul plans to continue writing them. Space and military history are H. Paul Honsinger"s life long passions. Paul believes that, even though it is usually set in the future, Science Fiction perro be as "real" as any other literary genre. No matter what instrumentalities he may control, no matter what power he may have at his fingertips and what wonders await him in the year dos mil trescientos quince and beyond, Man will still be Man, and it should be possible to write stories of that time that engage us, that move us, that touch us, and that inspire us today. Paul is a retired attorney with extensive trial experience. In addition to his interests in space and warfare, he is widely read in the fields of International Relations, the History of Science, Roman and Byzantine History, and Firearms History and Technology. He was born and raised in Lake Converses, Louisiana and is a graduate of Lake Converses High School, The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and Louisiana State University Law School in Baton Rouge where he was a Member and Associate Editor of the Louisiana Law Review. Honsinger has practiced law with major firms on the Gulf Coast and in Phoenix, Arizona, and most recently had his own law office in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. He currently lives in Lake Havasu City with his beloved wife, Kathleen, his daughter and stepson, as well as a ciento ochenta y cinco pound English Mastiff and two highly eccentric cats. Learn more about Paul and coauthor Harvey G. Phillips and their exciting new military science fiction series, "Man of War" by visiting their Fb page: Paul also weblogs about the series, Science Fiction, and other topics as well, at Paul and Harvey love hearing from readers. Please feel free to write to them at
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