The Fantastic Inventions Of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla

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This book is a readable compendium of patents, diagrams, photos and explanations of the many incredible inventions of the originator of the modern era of electrification
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This book is a readable compendium of patents, diagrams, photos and explanations of the many incredible inventions of the originator of the modern era of electrification. In Tesla"s own words are such topics as wireless transmission of power, death rays, and radio controlled airships. In addition, rare material on German bases in Antarctica and South America, and a secret city built at a remote jungle site in South America by one of Tesla"s students, Guglielmo Marconi. Marconi"s secret group claims to have built flying saucers in the 1940s and to have gone to Mars in the early 1950s! Incredible photos of these Tesla craft are included. The Ancient Atlantean system of broadcasting energy through a grid system of obelisks and pyramids is discussed and a fascinating concept comes out of one chapter: that the Egyptian engineers had to wear a protective metal headshields while in these powerplants, hence the Egyptian Pharoah"s head covering as well as the Face on Mars. Highly illustrated with cien"s of rare photos, drawings and patents, The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla includes: Tesla"s plan to transmit free electricity into the atmosphere How electrical devices would merely have small antennas on them to receive power Why unlimited power could be utilized anywhere on earth How Tesla"s inventions could utilize this free energy from the atmosphere How antigravity airships could draw power from the towers he was building How radio and radar technology perro be used as deathray weapons in today"s "Star Wars" An appendix of Supreme Court documents on dismantling of Tesla"s freeenergy towers Tesla"s Death Rays, Ozone generators, and more... This book is largely based on Experiments with Alternating Current copyright mil ochocientos noventa y uno by Nikola Tesla and Transmission of Electricity Without Wires copyright mil novecientos cuatro by Nikola Tesla
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