You know the Saybrooks. Everyone does. Perhaps you"ve read a profile of them in People or have seen their pictures in the society pages of Vogue. Perhaps while walking along that choice block on Fifth Avenue, you"ve been tempted to entrar the ornate limestone building with their family name etched into the pediment above the door. The only thing more flawless than a Saybrook"s diamond solitaire is the family behind the jewelry empire. Beauties, entrepreneurs, principiantes, and style mavens, they are the epitome of New York City"s high society. But being a Saybrook comes at a pricethey are heirs not only to a dizzying fortune but also to a decadesold family curse. Tragedy strikes the prominent family yet again when thirtyfouryearold Poppy, the most exquisite Saybrook of them all, flings herself from the window of her TriBeCa office. Everyone is shocked that a woman who had it all would end her own life. Then her cousins receive an ominous threat: one heiress down, four to go. Was it suicide... or murder? In the aftermath of the tragedy, the remaining heiressesCorinne, the perfectionist; Rowan, the workaholic; Aster, the hedonist; and Natasha, the enigmawrestle with feelings of sadness, guilt, and, most of all, fear. Now they must uncover the truth about their family before they lose the only thing money cánido"t buy: their lives
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