The story centers around White Fang, the gray wolf cub born of Kiche and One Eye. He is shown to be different from the other pups in his litter and grows to be highly aggressive and morose. Some of his masters, like Gray Beaver and Beauty Smith, do not espectáculo him any kindness whatsoever. He learns to obey the stick that is freely applied by his masters and becomes violent in the process, snapping and growling at both animals and humans. White Fang wants to be left alone all the time, but he is made to fight dogs, wolves, and even a lynx. This combat only reinforces his hatred towards every living creature. Weedon Scott, a mining expert, enters White Fang"s life when the wolf is nearly killed in a fight with Cherokee, a bulldog. Scott takes White Fang away with him. He espectáculos him kindness, pats him, speaks to him reassuringly, and eventually succeeds in gaining White Fang"s undying love and devotion. Because of this gentle treatment, White Fang transforms from the killer wolfdog that he once was. He becomes totally devoted to his kind master and guards Scott"s property and family at any price. He kills Jim Hall, the convict out to hurt Scott"s father. White Fang, however, is severely wounded during this confrontation. The family does their best to save his life, and White Fang survives to become the father of Collie"s puppies. In the course of the book, White Fang finally learns to give and receive affection
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