Devourer Liu Cixin

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A crystalline structure floating through the depths of space bears tidings of destruction: "The Devourer approaches!" Countless cables, thousands of miles long, are lowered from the Devourer"s inside wall to the Planet"s surface below
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A crystalline structure floating through the depths of space bears tidings of destruction: "The Devourer approaches!" Countless cables, thousands of miles long, are lowered from the Devourer"s inside wall to the Planet"s surface below. An entire world is trapped, like a fly in the web of a cosmic spider. Giant transport modules are then sent back and forth between earth and Devourer, taking with them the planet"s oceans and atmosphere. Humility starts the first and final star war in its history. What would be the result? China Galaxy Science Fiction Award of 2002. Liu Cixin"s writing will remind SF fans of the genre"s golden age, with its positive focus on scientific development, combined with a consistently constructive vision of China"s future role as a global superpower. It"s characteristic of an SF genre which has been embraced by Chinese culture because it is seen as representing the values of technological innovation and creativity so highly prized in a country developing more quickly than any other in the world today. Damien Walter, The Guardian Liu Cixin has put his exuberant energy to good use, erecting a gallery that must be measured on a scale of lightyears. Inside this gallery of his, he has stored away marvels beyond imagination produced by the science and technology of cosmic civilizations. The moment you step into Liu Cixin"s world, the rush of his enthusiasm buffets you like a particle storm a storm of enthusiasm for science and for technology; And it is this enthusiasm that bears the heart of his world"s magnificent galaxy. We can find it reflected not only in the grand vistas he creates, but also in the fateful decisions of his characters. The stark contrast of his grand worlds against the choices of these lonely and feeble beings can be truly shocking! Yao Haijun, editor in chief of "Science Fiction World" First and foremost, as a reader, I very much enjoy and find great satisfaction in Liu Cixin"s stories. The stories he tells are incredibly lucid, their language is conversant, their rhythm is tightly woven and their plots exceedingly compelling; Their imagery is unique, they have a boundless quality about them and they are brimming with powerful language; In these ways he echoes the great Taoist philosopher Chuangtzu. What is more, I truly adore technology and industrial culture and consider them to be very exquisite, serious and atmospheric; almost holy. Liu Cixin"s stories reflect this sentiment of mine. Therefore, I at times think that he echoes Newton. Finally, there is the military side of things. One does not have to look far to see his innate passion for all things to do with weaponry. In Liu Cixin we can see a stubbornness, a heroic ideal of centuries past. Han Song, deputy editor of "Oriental Outlook"
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